Intake Instructions
Emergency department, inpatient mental health and detox social services staff can call 651-326-3233, 24 hours a day to refer a participant to the program.
Intake Process
Refer individual in hospital or detox experiencing a SU crisis, which is defined as a critical point in the disorder where a change is desired or considered AND there are barriers to placement in SUD treatment due to issues with funding, lack of treatment openings, pre-contemplative stage of change, lack of knowledge or lack of community support to obtain treatment.
Service Description
A peer recovery specialist will meet with a participant to identify the person’s desire for recovery services and the barriers preventing them from getting assistance. The peer recovery specialist will consult with a clinical team to help the participant develop a recovery care plan. The team will be able to conduct comprehensive assessments, make referrals to community treatment programs and help arrange medical and other social services for the program participant. Services can be provided for up to 6 months.
Not an adult (18+) resident of Ramsey, Dakota or Washington County. Not interested and in agreement with services. Not able to participate due to acute mental health symptoms Unable to participate due to acute intoxication Already receiving ACT team services
Additional Information
The Mobile Substance Use Disorder Support Program is a two-year pilot offering peer support and bridging services to East Metro Twin Cities adults experiencing a substance use crisis. Referrals will come from East Metro hospital emergency rooms, inpatient mental health and detox facilities. Services are provided by St. Joseph’s Hospital and Minnesota Recovery Connection with support from the East Metro Crisis Alliance and Regions Hospital Foundation.