Substance Use Comprehensive Assessment

HealthEast Substance Use Assessment Services

If you feel there is a possible need for chemical dependency treatment, all insurance companies and all counties in Minnesota require the completion of a Rule 25 Assessment to determine the existence and/or level of need for treatment.

A thorough, accurate assessment is the first step in addressing substance use issues. At Fairview and HealthEast, licensed alcohol/drug counselors offer comprehensive evaluations to determine a client’s current or potential risk for substance use problems.

We want to make sure you feel strong and healthy – inside and out. We provide counselling to address issues like depression, anxiety and chemical abuse.

Minnesota Recovery Connection – Peer Recovery Support Services

We celebrate all pathways to recovery from substance use disorder. MRC connects people to recovery resources. We provide peer-to-peer services that help strengthen and sustain long-term recovery. Call 612-584-4158 between 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, to speak with a Recovery Navigator or to make an in-person appointment.

Mobile Substance Use Disorder Support Team

Refer individual in hospital or detox experiencing a SU crisis, which is defined as a critical point in the disorder where a change is desired or considered AND there are barriers to placement in SUD treatment due to issues with funding, lack of treatment openings, pre-contemplative stage of change, lack of knowledge or lack of community support to obtain treatment.

Privately Insured Chemical Health Services

If you have private insurance contact the customer service number on the back of your insurance card to determine the next steps for accessing services through your insurance provider.

Dakota County Chemical Health Services

For more information, or to apply for an assessment call Chemical Health Intake at 651-554-6000.
Or, visit the Northern Service Center Monday through Friday, 8 am – 4:30 pm at 1 Mendota Road West, Suite 300, 3rd Floor, West St. Paul, MN 55118.

Ramsey County Chemical Health Services

Call to schedule an appointment.  Assessments are completed by a variety of partners at locations throughout the community. Same day or next day appointments may be available.

Washington County Chemical Health Services

Washington County screens and authorizes Rule 25 Chemical Health Assessments and oversees funding for individuals who qualify for the Consolidated Chemical Dependency Treatment Fund (CCDTF), including those underinsured.  At this time we are not yet conducting Comprehensive Assessments.

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